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Bristol Digs Top 10 Tips To Improve Your Revision

In the last stretch towards project deadlines, dissertation hand-ins, and final exams it may seem as though university life has taken a turn for the worse. But ensuring that you continue with revision isn’t all bad, it’s just another step towards a four month long Summer holiday, or for many a leap into adult hood.

We have therefore comprised our top tips to help get you through the next few weeks and ensure a work/life balance. Take a look below:

Know Your Peak Times
We’re all different. Many wake up at the crack of dawn and find that the earlier hours of the morning are their most productive. Others get a burst of life as the sun sets and the hours draw darker. But whatever your preference it is important to think about when you are most likely going to be more productive and utilise those times.
We’d also suggest that you avoid heading to the library as meal times hit; otherwise you’ll concentrate on the hunger rumbling in your stomach more than what is on the page.


Study Tips
Establish A Timetable
Revision is a full time job. And for many a solid plan is a necessity in order to ensure every topic is covered.
Most definitely easier said than done, effective time management is key. So, first things first, you should make yourself a timetable. Ensure that you include events that you must attend on a weekly basis such as  lectures and sports training before scheduling in your hours for revision, coursework, and essay writing.
Make sure you set yourself realistic schedules and you’ll much more likely follow this as a successful revision guide. And don’t forget to consider your most productive hours as mentioned above in our first tip.

To Do Lists
It is easy to become overwhelmed by the vast quantity of the tasks you need to do and you will more than likely lose track or forget some of these. To Do lists are therefore a great way to beat work overload & unnecessary stresses and get yourself organised in the process.
Every day create a prioritised list of all the tasks that you need to carry out; whether your revision topic of choice or this weeks’ food shop.  Make sure that you compile a realistic list of goals for that day. Seeing a clear outline of your complete and uncomplete tasks will help you feel organised and stay mentally focussed.

Reward Yourself
Why not reward yourself as you study? Set yourself milestones in your schedule, whether that is reading 20 pages or writing 1,000 words. How you do that is completely up to you; whatever gets you from one section of your revision guide to the next.

Alter Your Environment
Research suggests that studying the same topic in different places makes us less likely to forget important information. Why? Well, every time we move around, altering our environment, we force the brain to form new associations with the same material and it therefore becomes a stronger memory.
Additionally you might find that it is more difficult to be creative in confining environments such as the library and as such you are better suited for these tasks in alternative surroundings.

Divide and Manage
Large projects, particularly dissertations & exams, are daunting. You might therefore find it better practice to break them into more manageable & achievable sections. Smaller tasks are not only more realistic, but are certainly more achievable goals.

Write It Out
It might have been a while since you touched pen to paper due to the ever advancing technologies in easy reach, but doing so can be beneficial to your study time.
Research suggests that we store information securely when we write it out by hand rather than typing. It could be very beneficial then for you to rewrite key notes from the past semester on to  a clean piece of paper. Why not try breaking these notes up into various colours?  Colour is the most powerful stimulus for the brain and allows greater and easier learning and remembering.  

Study With Friends
Sometimes it is hard to get motivated when you’re sat in a quiet room all alone. But working with someone else can avoid the prospects of a lonely and quite frankly boring study time.
Whether they’re completing the same project as you or not, knowing that you aren’t alone in the final stretch through revision is surprisingly motivating.

Study Breaks
Taking regular breaks is an efficient study method whereby the brain continues to process the information you have just studied and ensures that your level of concentration is more likely to be maintained. In doing so you are able to refresh, manage stress, and provide a balance that will enable you to sustain your efforts.

Take Care of Yourself
Whilst it is tempting to simply stock up on bags of crisps and stacks of chocolate to get you through the day, it is vital that you remember to take care of yourself as well. Eating regularly and healthily allows the brain to convert stored energy (fat) into energy that it can use in order for you to retain decent levels of focus. In doing so, you will also keep blood sugar levels consistent with regular eating and nutritional food to ‘feed’ your brain and will therefore assist you in concentration.
Sleep is also key; a minimum of 7 hours a night is recommended by many. That doesn’t therefore mean it’s okay to sleep in until later afternoon – too much sleep affects you just as negatively as not enough sleep.

More Help and Information
Our list of tips is by no means exhaustive and you may have your own in place that work just fine. After all the most important thing is finding what works best for you.  

If you’re heading back to University after the exam period and the summer holidays then make sure you give our excellent team a call on 0117 930 8750 for more information regarding all of our excellent student properties.




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